RustlingUpaBride Read online

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  Daddy was really flooring it. I didn't even look at him, knowing the snide, vicious words would come a little later.

  I couldn't help but shake my head and fold my arms tight. It was crazy cold in the cabin, but colder in my heart, the firestorm in my loins dashed with cold water.

  There were no second chances with the man I'd left behind, and it was fucking killing me.

  II: Tears and Tattoos

  My first night offering myself to a man went from heaven to hell.

  I barely forced myself up the next day, going through the motions like a zombie to fix breakfast for Daddy and I like usual.

  It wasn't until I brought him his omelet and plopped down at the table across from him that he lowered his paper and glared.

  “God damn it, Nellie. What the hell were you thinking?” Daddy shook his head. “I thought I raised you better than this.”

  “You raised me just fine.” I stabbed at my bacon with a fork. “It's the letting me go part that's difficult for you, Daddy. I'm a grown woman. Almost twenty one. I'm old enough to make my own decisions.”

  “I realize that. Just wish you were making good ones. You'll always be a Sherwood, and this family has a certain reputation to uphold. Don't you realize everything I've built with my bare hands is yours someday?” Pain flickered in his eyes.

  He really wanted me to understand. At some deep level, I did, but I hated politics and appearances with my very soul. I didn't truly want what he was offering.

  “What if I want something else?” I said slowly. “What if I just want to settle down with a good man and some animals? I'm more interested in charity than business.”

  He didn't need to be reminded. Last summer, I got away for two weeks with a horse rescue operation several towns over. Of course, Daddy forced me to come back before my time was over, wrecking what little credibility I'd built with the foundation.

  “Then we want the same thing,” he said. “I want all that for you, even if you intend to spin off my hard won business to some middlemen who'll piss our good name away.” Daddy took a long pull from his coffee cup, licking stray flecks of dark liquid from his mustache.

  “Well, it's obvious what you want. Pretty damned clear I don't have much choice either – not if I want to keep my inheritance and stay in this house.”

  Daddy nodded. Damned straight, he seemed to say, though there was a softness building too.

  “Look, Nellie, we've been through this before. I want you to find a good man. Hell, I kept an open mind about those nice guys you brought home before. You can't fool me, though, girl. We both know Clay Samuels isn't a nice boy.”

  The words made me want to smile and fume at once.

  No, Daddy, he isn't. And that's why I want this man's adventure while I worship every wild, inked up inch of him.

  “You're wrong about him. Seems like everybody in the county loves him except you.” I chewed my bacon slowly. Everything tasted like ash in my mouth.

  “I don't think I am. You're blinded by his body, my girl. Blindsided by youth too. But even if you don't give a damn what I think about Mister Samuels...think about what your mother would say. She wouldn't want you dating a man who wears that many tattoos.”

  I threw my fork down and covered my ears. If there was one thing I hated most, it was when my father used Mama's memory to bring me into line.

  He rested a hand gently on one shoulder. I moved to slap it away, but ended up gushing hot tears all over my robe instead. I hadn't bothered to shower yet – some of Clay's unforgettable scent lingered on my skin.

  “I'm more sympathetic than you realize, Nellie. You'll have a good life and marry the man of your dreams in good time, with my blessing. But if you're seriously telling me you want to go out with a dirty, tattooed, drunken, womanizing criminal...”

  Every word he said about Clay struck deep like a lance in my heart. I wanted to tear myself away from the kitchen table, but now Daddy's face was coming lower, to whisper into my ear in the same controlling, dull monotone he always used.

  “He's not a criminal! You don't even know him.”

  “He rides with that nasty motorcycle gang, doesn't he? Don't lie to me, girl. I've heard all the stories.

  I'm just so grateful old Peter Vocke saw you disappear with him last night. I got to you in time.”

  I clenched my teeth together so hard it hurt. He'd gotten his way, preventing me from being ravaged, but I took small satisfaction in knowing Clay's hands and mouth had been all over me.

  That beautiful memory was mine forever. Nobody would ever take it away, not even stupid family politics.

  Fuck you. Fuck this. Fuck me for not being able to straighten up and fly right like the good girl you want.

  “You understand this is about way more than you and I, don't you? This is about honoring Emma's sweet memory, and about holding up the family name. Don't dishonor it. I won't let you.”

  Daddy's phone rang and he turned away in annoyance. I heard him talking to some guy about our property, something about some recent thefts of equipment and livestock in the big dairy buildings several acres away.

  Nothing good that would brighten his mood.

  Besides, I'd had it. I abandoned my breakfast and went running to my room, where I slammed the door so hard the three story house seemed to shake.

  Daddy had won again, even when I escaped him. He made me feel like an overgrown, spoiled, and very stupid child.

  Maybe he was absolutely right about Clay. Hell, if half the stories from the girls who'd been with him were true, then he was dead on.

  Last night, though, he'd shown me something else. Maybe it was foolish, but I believed him when he said he wanted something new, something more than a quick lay.

  Wasn't like it mattered. Not anymore.

  After I'd abandoned him last night, I was certain there was no way I'd be seeing him again. I ran back to Daddy like a scared little girl.

  How could he ever look past it?

  Watching my one meager chance with him slip away hurt worse than anything else.

  I slept all day. Whatever was going on with the Sherwood empire kept Daddy busy. He didn't even come up to bitch at me about doing my chores, or to invite me down for dinner prep.

  Good thing too. I would've been tempted to pour laxative in our food tonight.

  When I woke up, the house was ghostly quiet. Outside, the summer sun's last red glow was slipping on the horizon.

  I poured myself a nice, tall glass of fresh cider. Something sweet to take the edge off an otherwise shitty day.

  Just as I raised it to my lips, I heard a roar near the big garage outside. Outside the kitchen window, dust rolled in the darkness, and I saw several lights.

  Great. He's home. Just when I was about to enjoy myself for a micro-second...

  The fist pounding steadily on the main door made me jump. I realized it wasn't Daddy, and that left my heart pounding. Visitors around here were rare, especially ones who got through the locked gate and drove up our long driveway.

  Even my father's employees rarely came to our private home uninvited.

  My poor heart took another wild leap when I looked out the tiny window in the front door and saw a stern, handsome face I recognized.

  I ripped the door open and fell back, too astonished for a proper hello. Without asking, he stepped inside, his biceps flexed as he folded his arms. For once, he was wearing a shirt.

  “Clay? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Couldn't let things end the way they did last night, Nellie. I understand why you went with him to save face. Tonight, I'm asking you to come with me. I know you weren't happy.” He smiled. “Plus I wouldn't be a good guy if I didn't return these...”

  He reached into his pocket and held my panties out. My jaw dropped and I let out a surprised laugh.

  Then the panties disappeared and he offered me an empty hand, waiting to take me away.

  I glanced behind me at the empty kitchen, listening to the deep silence b
etween us, punctured only by the big old grandfather clock downstairs ticking away the seconds.

  I shouldn't have let my eyes fall near the entryway. Several old photos hung there, including Daddy and Mama's wedding photo. Ancient, bitter memories fought with raw excitement, the surging need to leave this place and go away with him like he was asking.

  It was sudden. It was crazy. And it was everything I needed.

  “Well? What'll it be, baby?” Clay smiled gently and stepped a little closer, never taking back his hand.

  I took a long, hard look at him. If I went outside and got in his truck, I had a strong feeling I wouldn't be coming back.

  Not without getting down on my knees and begging Daddy for mercy, anyway.

  What's the difference? I've spent my whole life living on my knees for another man.

  My mind was made up. I stepped forward and ignored the handshake. Throwing myself into him, I nuzzled the gentle stubble on his chin, purring happily when Clay tightened his arms around me.

  “Let's go. We've got a solid drive ahead of us.”

  He led me outside and I took one last look at the old house. Getting in his truck was like crossing a boundary between worlds, going straight to a new life offering excitement and independence I'd never had.

  His truck roared down the long driveway. He stopped just outside the gate and got out to push it shut.

  I watched in the mirror as he fisted the iron bars in both hands and slid them closed, overriding the electronic auto-shut, his huge muscles rippling with exertion.

  I licked my lips. It was a humid night. Sweat steamed off my pores, even in the wonderful, air conditioned truck.

  When Clay came back, he was dripping wet. His cotton shirt was soaked. I leaned in, resting my head on his shoulder, the better to inhale his scent.

  God, I'd missed it. I'd been so afraid I would only have its memory, but for once fate was giving me a second chance.

  Wet heat roared inside me. The rest of the ride into the country was agony. I wanted it to end as soon as it could. Anything to let me offer myself to him.

  I was completely ready, willing to offer up my flesh, my virginity – my body, mind, and soul.

  My cowboy had finally arrived, tattoos and all. I vowed I wouldn't let him slip away from me again.

  I'm going to be the girl at Clay Samuels' side permanently. I don't care what happens from here.

  Just watch.

  “This is it,” he whispered, nudging me out of an anxious sleep.

  Clay was local, but his place was across our large county, deep in the Montana countryside. It must've been about an hour's drive.

  I stepped out and stretched my legs. An old farmhouse loomed over us. Across the big unpaved lot he had a barn and a good sized storage shed.

  Things looked a little worn, but not nearly as bad as I expected for a man who didn't come from my kind of money. No surprise that his homestead showed he knew how to keep things in good working order.

  Clay walked behind me as I stepped up his front porch and pushed open the unlocked door. The whole house smelled like him, spicy and strong, instantly shooting me to seventh heaven.

  I turned, landing in his outstretched arms. He embraced me tight, held me close, and we rocked together for several long minutes, just enjoying each other's presence.

  “Missed you, baby. I was pissed as all hell when he showed up last night and took you away from me. Been a long fucking time since I've been disrupted in the middle of something, and it reminded me how much I hate it.”

  “You won't have to worry about that again,” I said softly, looking up into his bright eyes.

  “You sure about this? Wouldn't want to feed any bad blood between you and your old man.”

  “That's on me. I wouldn't have gotten in your truck if I weren't sure. Whatever happens now, I'm glad I'm here. Glad we're just getting started too.”

  I licked my lips. He looked at me in soft confusion, but his face relaxed when I stood on my tip toes, pushing my eager lips to his.

  Clay grunted with satisfaction. His hands clenched tighter, rolling down along my thighs and coming back up to cup my ass. He squeezed, rocking me into his crotch.

  The bulge was back, the same marvelous hardness I'd felt before. He kissed me deep, thrusting his tongue into my mouth, hungrily lapping at my flesh. He treated my lips like sweet fruit he'd missed for far too long.

  Each possessive jerk of his tongue meant to make up for lost time.

  Oh, yes. Deeper, rougher...don't be afraid. I'm new to this but I can handle it. I promise.

  I wedged my hips into his and bucked back. Raw, wicked heat shot through me, basting my brain in pure fire. Clay grunted, bit one more time at my bottom lip, and then tore away.

  “Fuck, baby. What do you think you're doing?”

  “Where do you want me? Bedroom? Shower? Outside?” I panted.

  Every possibility made me tingle.

  The words streaming through my lips were tart. Impatient. The new girl I sensed rising up when I left Daddy's house was out in full force now. She wouldn't be denied his heat for a second longer.

  Growling, Clay picked me up. I squealed happily as he cradled me in his arms, and then began to move through the house. He took me up a steep staircase, and I looked over his shoulder into the living room.

  He had plenty of stuffed animals from hunting, various rodeo trophies shining through the darkness.

  A big black dog lay sleeping in the corner. The animal wagged its tail as we disappeared. Something about that made me smile.

  Right now, I understood animal excitement perfectly, the primal need quaking in my blood.

  I needed to be hauled upstairs and completely ravished. Everything I heard about a girl's first time told me it wouldn't be totally pleasant. There would be pain and discomfort, especially getting used to a big, older man like him.

  But I'd weather anything – anything! – to fuse my body to his. Our destiny was written in the flesh, and nothing would stop it tonight.

  I promised I'd plant myself in his bed, his heart, and his sweet tattooed flesh forever.

  A loud bang rang out ahead. I realized he'd kicked open a door with his heavy boot, and then slammed it shut again in his desperation to get me inside the little room.

  Now, his scent was all over me, deeper and richer than anything I'd smelled before on him. It was alive, intoxicating. Turned my panties to melted wax.

  My blood went up another few degrees. He laid me on a soft mattress, and I listened as the old iron bed squeaked loudly beneath my weight.

  I looked up, trying to focus through the lust heaving up inside me. Clay stood over me, staring like a wolf about to pounce. His eyes were bright, but there was something darker in them, something that left no doubt about what was coming.

  He fucked the same way he lived the rest of his life – hard, bold, rough in a way certain to leave his mark. I squirmed in heat beneath him as he stepped between my legs.

  His hands went around my back and lifted me halfway up, close enough to resume his assault on my lips, kissing and tonguing me like he owned my flesh. Every kiss sent wanton promises shooting down my spine, straight to my sex, growing wetter and more open for him by the second.

  Fingers slid up, up, getting tangled in my shirt as he Frenched me with hard, growling strokes. Clay ripped his hands away and sucked at my neck, before moving up to my ear.

  “Take this shit off, baby. I need you naked. Now.”

  I didn't need to be asked twice. I went to work, rolling off my shirt and popping my bra. It was a relief to have my breasts freed, once again laid bare for his intense eyes.

  The bed squealed loudly as I shifted my hips, wriggling off my jeans. I started to hook my fingers on my panties, but he stopped me.

  Clay moved one hand between my legs, flicked the fabric aside, and rubbed two stiff fingers up and down my folds, searching for my clit.

  He found it. Collecting a little of my wetness, he coated it, and then pin
ched it tight between his fingers.

  Electricity darted through me. I fell back on the bed, moaning the whole time, feeling muscles in my legs twitch each time he rolled his fingers there.

  “Fuck, you look so good when you come, baby. You get tight and twitchy too. Can't wait to feel what it's like when I sink this big cock into you.”

  I looked up through narrowed eyes. With his free hand, he patted his jeans, pushing his palm flat into the big lump there.

  “Don't wait any longer, Clay. Come...find...out...” My words slurred out in between more strokes from his magic fingers.

  He kept working me, tighter and faster. I felt a wild release building, like sitting on a slow bomb about to go off.

  Clay controlled himself through his lust. He watched the rise and fall of my breasts, listening for the pitch in my shrill squeals. Several more laps would've thrown me over the edge, but he stopped at the last second.

  I looked up, tense and shocked at being so close to the brink.

  Clay had his shirt halfway off over his head. Those huge, insanely hot muscles came out in the gentle moonlight, perfect as a Greek god's. Then his fingers sank to his sides, undoing his belt, pushing down his jeans.

  His cock looked twice as big straining through the thin boxers. With a nod of his head, he urged me backward to make room for him on the old bed.

  I crawled to comply. The springs shrieked louder when he joined me, sinking beneath his weight. He looked even more like a huge, dangerous animal crawling toward me, positioning himself between my legs.

  He leaned back, crouched on his knees. “Get up here, Nellie. If you want this, you better unwrap it.

  Give it a good feel too. Happy to satisfy your curiosity.”

  My hands were shaking as I reached toward his boxers. I grabbed both sides, feeling his rock hard hips with my fingers. I took them down his thighs in one quick jerk.

  I gasped when his erection popped out. It was bigger, angrier, and even thicker than I imagined. The thick head was fully swollen at its peak in the dim light, and something slow and thin trickled from the little opening at the tip.

  Clay helped kick away the rest of his boxers, and then he leaned back and waited. I trailed my eyes up his body, forcing myself to meet his eyes, rather than the feral and beautiful root throbbing from his middle.